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A Cultural Difference

Valentine's Day is one of those funny ones.

Like all calendar events, the commercial market runs riot and sucks most remanence of genuine celebration dry.

However, Japan has taken on its own version of the event that is possibly the most backward, sexist, unprogressive take on love that has ever been manifested into an official activity. On February 14th, women are to shower men with chocolates, cakes and other sweet delicacies (put your apron back on and get in the kitchen), then subsequently, on March 14th, men shower women with white gifts - traditionally underwear (you’re done in the kitchen now for your other task).

Now, while this grinds every feminist bone in my body (of which there are many), this valentines day I decided to cook for the two lovely hosts who have been accommodating me so generously here in Fukuoka.

We started with a Smorgastarta (an experimental but quite exciting Swedish layered sandwich cake). It is actually the most efficient way of using Japanese bread, as there are so many other ingredients piled into the sandwich stack, that you hardly notice to the poor quality of the bake.

For dessert, I decided on a chocolate (traditional) layered cake featuring a Panda face decoration.

My gentlemen hosts seemed to enjoy the culinary goods, so I consider my Valentine’s duties done.

I made it quite clear that I was not expecting the gesture to be reciprocated on March 14th.

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